the educational process by Charlie Supports

The fundamental objective of the educational process is that knowledge is successfully transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver; that is, from the teacher to the student

The educational process is responsible for the level of preparation of the student

The educational process is responsible for the selection of the issuer, the selection of the learning methodology and the evaluation of the receiver to quantify that the student has the required learning level

The educational process is responsible for the training of professionals with satisfactory academic support

The educational process is responsible for the level of quality of the goods and services provided to the economic sector

The issuer, that is, the teacher, must have a full understanding of the educational knowledge to be transmitted

The educational issuer must have the necessary life experience, which makes him fully master the educational knowledge to be transmitted

The educational issuer must possess the necessary pedagogical capacity, which allows him to adequately transmit educational knowledge

The educational issuer must have a complete understanding of all the annexes related to the educational issue to be transmitted; for example, if the educational knowledge to be transmitted is the sum operation; then, the teacher must have a complete understanding of the entire number system; for this reason, it is recommended that the educational issuer be a specialist in the field of educational knowledge to be transmitted


Absolute understanding of the educational knowledge to be transmitted

Pedagogical capacity for the transmission of educational knowledge

Complete mastery of the learning methodology

The learning methodology must have a high didactic level, which facilitates the transmission of educational knowledge

The full level of technology available must be used and thus facilitate the transmission of educational knowledge

All necessary experimentation laboratories must be available to facilitate the understanding of educational knowledge

Graphic facilitators, multimedia facilitators and all kinds of technology must be available to generate additional facilitators that allow a great power of understanding in the transmission of educational knowledge

All the necessary infrastructure must be available to be able to successfully transmit educational knowledge

Learning methodology

Provision of all the necessary technology to facilitate the transmission of educational knowledge

It should be more than a pedagogical instrument, it should be a great facilitator to transmit educational knowledge

Provision of all the laboratories and infrastructure necessary to complement the transmission of educational knowledge

Evaluation of the candidate to be a receiver, to see if he has the physical and rational faculties to be suitable and to be able to receive educational knowledge

Candidates to be receivers must pass a selection process to evaluate their degree of potential and thus be able to absorb educational knowledge

Academic evaluation, to have full certainty that the educational knowledge has been successfully assimilated by the receiver or the student

an external evaluation is necessary, involving academic specialists with a high educational level; and thus, to be able to corroborate that the receiver has really acquired educational knowledge with global or universal potential

the educational process must have the ability to previously select the receiver; as well as all the internal and external evaluation tools; and thus, to be able to verify that indeed the receiver has successfully acquired educational knowledge

Educational receiver

the receiver must have approved the opposition by selection and thus be empowered to receive educational knowledge

the receiver must have undergone all internal academic tests to demonstrate that he has really absorbed the educational knowledge acquired

The receiver must have undergone all kinds of evaluation by external academic specialists who verify that the student has effectively acquired educational knowledge with global potential

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