The difference between opinion and analytical discernment by Charlie Supports

Any problematic or specific situation in management is reasoned and opinions of action courses are usually issued It is very common to hear various opinions and for the consequent various courses of action to take Any problematic or specific situation in management, when subject to an analysis generates an analytical discernment Only a specialist with… Continue reading The difference between opinion and analytical discernment by Charlie Supports

Artificial economic systems by Charlie Supports

The economy as science rotates toward natural economic resources The economy as an analytical science rotates toward the balance in the use of natural economic resources The human being has the ability to use renewable and non -renewable economic resources The human being has the ability to transform renewable and non -renewable economic resources All… Continue reading Artificial economic systems by Charlie Supports

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organizational entity by Charlie Supports

Sooner or later, in your working life you will become part of an organizational entity We will understand by organizational entity, any organizational unit made up of human resources and non-human resources or material resources When we form a small, medium or large company; just as, when we form a non-profit foundation, a state agency,… Continue reading organizational entity by Charlie Supports

the educational system

The educational system by Charlie Supports For an educational system to exist, an analytical system must exist; which, we call the analytical system of academic concepts Academic concepts are what give life to the educational system In order for academic concepts to feed the educational system, it is necessary for there to be teachers with… Continue reading the educational system

the educational process by Charlie Supports

The fundamental objective of the educational process is that knowledge is successfully transmitted from the transmitter to the receiver; that is, from the teacher to the student The educational process is responsible for the level of preparation of the student The educational process is responsible for the selection of the issuer, the selection of the… Continue reading the educational process by Charlie Supports

Charlie Supports

Welcome at the Educational Model by Charlie Supports HOME Charlie Supports Available entries 1. the Educational Model by Charlie Supports A1. Organizational Entity by Charlie Supports B1. Analytical Economics by Charlie Supports C1. Analytical number by Charlie Supports 2. the educational Process by Charlie Supports 3. the Analytical Abstraction by Charlie Supports 4. the analytical… Continue reading Charlie Supports

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